Friday, May 22, 2009

The Weird Syntax of SQL DELETE From a JOIN

It is perfectly legal in most SQL dialects to DELETE records that come from a JOIN clause. However, I never remember the syntax because its kind of strange and I don't do it often.

I wrote the following example in SQL Server 2005:

delete from arledger 
from arledger
inner join arinvoice on arinvoice.arinvoiceid = arledger.invoicenumber
where arinvoice.brokersaleid = 2259

Nothing complicated. Just note line 2 where the FROM clause is repeated.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Current Reading

I'm currently reading Pro WPF in C# 2008 by Matthew MacDonald. So far it seems well written and I'm getting a good feel for WPF. I'm anxious to do my first WPF project but didn't want to just jump in without some background.

However, ultimately you can't learn a technology without jumping in and making a whole bunch of stupid mistakes.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Article on Setting Properties Dynamically

For the previous post on NUnit and testing properties using reflection I was indebted to this article. The code examples in this article are in VB.Net.

Testing C# Class Properties With NUnit

In their book Pragmatic Programing Andrew Hunt and David Thomas argue that all programmers should adhere to the DRY principle. DRY stands for do not repeat yourself. Its a daily battle to keep my code library from descending into the usual cut and paste mess of massively duplicated code.

I had a few C# classes that had an high number of properties and I wanted to make sure each property had a unit test to make sure they were assigning correctly. I envisioned this as being massively tedious. I thought that a better approach might be to iterate through the properties using reflection and test them by setting and retrieving test values. This would also mean I wouldn't have to change the unit test if I added, deleted or renamed properties.

The code I came up with is very sketchy and preliminary but it does work. It can be refactored any number of ways to suit invididual tastes. In this unit test the class Patient is being tested.

I'm only testing properties of type String and Integer in this example. You can add any type you want. I am thinking about a way to test these properties that is type independent.

public void Properties()
Patient patient = new Patient();
int intTestData = 0;

foreach (string propertyName in GetProperties(new Patient()))
Type patientType = patient.GetType();
PropertyInfo property = patientType.GetProperty(propertyName);

string stringTestData;

if (property.PropertyType == typeof(System.String))
stringTestData = String.Format("Testdata{0}", intTestData);

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Testing property {0} of type {1} with value {2}", propertyName, property.PropertyType.ToString(),stringTestData));

if (property.CanWrite == true && property.CanRead == true)
property.SetValue(patient, stringTestData, null);

if (property.PropertyType == typeof(System.Int32))
property.SetValue(patient, intTestData, null);
Assert.AreEqual(intTestData, property.GetValue(patient, null));

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Delphi: Iterating through components

The code example below shows how you can iterate through components in a Delphi form or data module, check the type of a hosted component and examine its properties. I wrote this as a unit test because the programmers were forgetting to remove their local connection strings from data objects. In this test we checked that the object has a reference to a DataConnection object and not a data connection string.

This is a fairly trivial example. It is the preferred solution if you want to iterate over a set of specific objects and set properties in a consistent way without having to write repetitive code referencing specific objects.

Temp: TComponent;


for i := ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do
Temp := Components[i];
if (Temp is TADOQuery) then

if Length(TADOQuery(Temp).ConnectionString)>0 then
raise Exception.Create('UnitTest(1): The use of a data connection string is not supported in this model.' + Temp.Name);

if TADOQuery(Temp).Connection = nil then
raise Exception.Create('UnitTest(2): A default connection object should be specified. ' + Temp.Name);


Some notes:

The code TADOQuery(Temp).Connection is shorthand for casting the TComponent object to an TADOQuery object and accessing its property Connection at the same time. A temporary unnamed TADOQuery object is created on the stack and disappears after the code is executed.

ComponentCount is a property that every object has that is derived from TComponent.